Under the signed agreement on cooperation in space, in the heart of NASA in Houston, is the creation of a new humanoid robot, equipped with the most advanced video and sensor technologies.
In the future, such robots will have to manage to reach outer space, as well as assist pilots in aircraft control. Now here is created a robot Robonaut-2 or simply R2, which is more flexible and technologically advanced version of the robot Robonaut-1, previously created by engineers at NASA.
A distinctive feature of R2 is that the robot during its operation continuously focused on people and can carry with them a given project.
According to Doug Cooke, deputy director of research programs of NASA, in the long term a significant part of the orbital and service work in outer space, NASA plans to place it on the robots.
But simply to shift the new challenges to existing development is impractical because they do not have the specified parameters.
You must create a new generation of machines, which would have advanced management systems, new sensors for environmental assessments and more perfect intelligence, "he says.
In the GM said that Robonaut 2 - this is the first in the family robot, able to be flexible enough to perform a variety of work in orbit and on Earth.