Since the beginnings of civilisation man has had a fascination for a human-like creation that would assist him. Man had discovered mechanics and the means of creating complex mechanisms which would perform repetitive functions. Technological advances were slow but there were more complex machines, generally limited to a very small number, which performed more grandiose functions such as those invented by Hero of Alexandria. We are interested in achievement associated with the construction of military robots, space robots, medical robots, etc.

Russian robot shoots from 3 weapons

The exhibition INTERPOLITEX-2009 was presented to the Russian robot is able to shoot right out of the three types of weapons. The robot can attack infantry, fortified buildings and even tanks.

Mobile robot "MRK-27 - BT is designed for combat operations when the life of a soldier at risk. The system can replace a man during a fight, say its creators.

Combat robot complex consists of a whole arsenal of weapons: two jet "flame thrower" Bumblebee ", two grenade launchers, machine guns" Pecheneg, six smoke grenades and 100 rounds of ammunition.

All weapons are placed without any modification. Soldiers can "give up" its weapons to the robot, or removed and used independently.

The machine is controlled remotely - at a distance of 200 to 500 m. In addition to the weapons complex comes equipped with a camera that allows the operator to conduct aimed fire.

Russian design has several advantages over foreign counterparts. Thus, compared with U.S. robots Swords (they were used in Iraq and Afghanistan), our more stable - due to a special coupling system tracks the ground. Foreign cars make a strong return after a shot, while the national development is minimal. Battle of the Russian platform robot moves in almost all directions, the machine gun barrel can "see" in the trenches of the enemy. American robot, though able to climb stairs, less mobile, RIA Novosti reported.