Since the beginnings of civilisation man has had a fascination for a human-like creation that would assist him. Man had discovered mechanics and the means of creating complex mechanisms which would perform repetitive functions. Technological advances were slow but there were more complex machines, generally limited to a very small number, which performed more grandiose functions such as those invented by Hero of Alexandria. We are interested in achievement associated with the construction of military robots, space robots, medical robots, etc.

Robot-dove - Spy XXI-st Century

Engineers dream to send a reconnaissance robot pigeon (Bogolub). If the experts would still be able to realize all his fantasies, we are waiting for an interesting future.

Sutnikovaya intelligence is not omnipotent, and can sometimes lead to errors. Ideal output to many military with mobile robots, spies on the ground and in the air. And that enemy is not seen through them, the developers are trying to mask the mechanisms by fauna.

For reconnaissance aerial engineers have long been developing a variety of mechanisms, including those who are able to operate independently and sometimes amazing intelligent. But best of all, the robot does not just fly into if necessary, in some buildings, but also not to arouse suspicion when viewed casually.

That's for the sake of this, seemingly utopian possibility of the defense department has invested heavily in research laboratories AFRL. Is said by experts, their objective - the establishment of a full-fledged smart drone the size of a pigeon, the most common birds in urban areas.

The interim result of the efforts - custom by Theiss Aviation company from Ohio instance - the developers have demonstrated recently at an air show in Florida: it is indeed very similar to the bird, at least when viewed from a distance. With the natural prototype of the device is similar not only in size and proportions, but also the details: a beak, a simple imitation of feathers and tail, which is hidden propeller.

The engineers are committed to as early as 2015 to design a more approximate to the model of the robot and the dove boldly touted as its future characteristics of the ability to fly autonomously for a week with minimal intervention.

Bogolub should repeat the motion of birds - and even flap their wings to sit on the wire. The latter is necessary (that already sounds quite fantastic), allegedly, not only for camouflage but also to recharge the battery (thought, note, not new, this same laboratory VVC said three years ago, and things there.)

Theiss Aviation company specialize in all kinds of aircraft are small, but they skate - mechanisms that mimics a bird.

In addition to problems directly associated with exploration, wonder-bird sample in 2015 should be able to detect the presence in the vicinity of weapons of mass destruction of all types (nuclear, chemical and biological). How exactly - not specified.

Should recognize that while the project looks like a dove electromechanical air lock, and save the project only support a government that is configured as a time very seriously.

Given the already spent money, we can say that the designers have no choice but to five years on, to show the public something more interesting of the current version is actually a doll. If the idea of a robot-dove is successful, it will be a solid step forward in biomimetike.

Much less than robo-birds, the chances of being discovered in insects spyware. In this area of development gone far enough. For example, experts from the laboratory of microscopic robots Harvard (Harvard Micro-robotics Lab) three years ago took off prototypes of robots "based on insects, but now the same laboratory develops electronic" Bees "spies".