Since the beginnings of civilisation man has had a fascination for a human-like creation that would assist him. Man had discovered mechanics and the means of creating complex mechanisms which would perform repetitive functions. Technological advances were slow but there were more complex machines, generally limited to a very small number, which performed more grandiose functions such as those invented by Hero of Alexandria. We are interested in achievement associated with the construction of military robots, space robots, medical robots, etc.

Humanoid robots: "Asians" against "the Europeans"

For a long time, Japan holds the world dominance in the production of "walking" robots humanoids. They have an innovative robot Waseda, an impressive number of robot HRP, tiny but agile robots Sony Qrio and Toyota Partner, and of course, the most famous "emissary" Land of the Rising Sun - like child-robot astronaut Honda Asimo, who walks, runs and climbs on ladder with sufficient accuracy. Until recently, only South Korea - with its robot Hubo and Mahru - demonstrated a humanoid with legs just as impressive as their Japanese counterparts.

Двуногие роботы: "азиаты" против "европейцев"

Now other countries are trying to catch up on "robotic pioneers of bipedal locomotion."
Next, we consider four two-legged humanoid robot that could easily compete with the Asians. "
It is worth noting that this is quite "adult" representatives of the robot race. " We do not take into account the "kids" type of Nao or components of mechanical robotic platforms that can run independently, but do not have a "trunk". This is a robot that could compete with Asimo in high-speed running or playing football.

Robot REEM-B
The developer - the company Pal Robotics, Barcelona, Spain.
Двуногие роботы: "азиаты" против "европейцев"
Robot REEM-B was designed for daily care to people in simple tasks. Built in 2008. Growth of the robot - 1.47 meters. He moves relatively slowly - at speeds of 1.5 kilometers per hour. However, thanks to a powerful actuator in his legs and arms, Reem-B is probably the strongest humanoid in the world. It can carry up to 12 pounds of payload in each hand. Is capable Asimo of this?

Developer - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics German Space Center (DLR), city of Oberpfaffenhofen-Wessling, Germany
Двуногие роботы: "азиаты" против "европейцев"
Justin - certainly one of the most impressive humanoid presented in recent years. His hands are oddly shaped are surprisingly nimble, and German researchers consistently trying to push the envelope in terms of design of hardware and software. Work continues on each new conference on robotics can be expected that Justin boast a new trick.

Worth pointing out that Justin is not yet in the full sense of humanoid robot. During recent demonstrations, he represented only the upper body - head, two arms and torso - that CDP be installed on a fixed basis, and on four-wheeled mobile platform. But in early 2010, researchers from DLR have already demonstrated a couple of "moving the limbs, which are likely in the near future will be kicked Justin. In this case, the legs use the same powerful engine as in the hands of the robot. The main idea of the developers - to combine based on the effects of torque control for biped balancing and walking. If the lower part of the body of Justin will be as nimble as his upper body, then the robot will be able to do things that previously did not make any robot in the world.

Developer - Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory of the Polytechnic Institute and the University
Двуногие роботы: "азиаты" против "европейцев"
of Virginia, of Blacksburg, USA. Чарли называют первым многофункциональным автономным передвигающимся гуманоидным роботом в натуральную величину, построенным в Соединенных Штатах. Фактически существуют две модели робота Чарли. Первый, меньший, названный CHARLI-L, использует для передвижения сервомоторы и систему механического привода. Вторая версия, CHARLI-H, более утяжеленная, оборудована специально разработанными линейными приводами, которые будут способны двигаться так же упруго, как человеческие конечности – вместо жесткой фиксации определенных положений. Суть новый разработок исследователи Лабоработии Robotics & Mechanisms пока не раскрывают.

Robot SURENA 2
Developer - University of Advanced Vehicles Center, Tehran, Iran.
Двуногие роботы: "азиаты" против "европейцев"
Iranian Robot Surena 2 was submitted several months ago and at first summoned the skepticism of experts. However, it is worthy can take place among these humanoid robot counterparts. His height is 1.45 meters. Until he walks slowly enough, but it does have its advantages. The robot is able to bend down, stand on one leg and even perform something like a dance.

Finally try to answer one of the main questions: why do we need robots that walk like humans on two legs? After all, mobile wheeled platform seems to be more maneuverable, easier and cheaper to produce! It seems the need to have a robot on two legs is dictated by two conditions. First, if these robots are designed for our home or work items, they will have to overcome various uneven surfaces - such as stairs, fleecy carpets. Without the "rising" feet robots can not do. And secondly, trying to build a walking two-legged robots, we can better understand how our body moves - for example, as a ballet dancer can balance on the big toe or karate kicks to make devastating blows.

Write a humanoid capable of completely mechanically repeat the motion of every muscle in our body - not an easy task. Researchers around the world are fighting over it for more than three decades, and even that is reached, it seems a little childish little steps in that direction.

Space plans in Japan: Moon base will be built by robots for robots by 2020.

Information about what Japan has big ambitions in space, find the recent confirmation in the form of various actions. One of these ambitions, Japan, the most ambitious, according to experts, is to build on the lunar surface space base. This project, valued at $ 2.2 billion, was proposed by the Japanese space agency JAXA for a long time, but only recently have funding for this project was officially approved by the Government of Japan. As part of this project in 2015 to go to the moon the spacecraft from the descent module, which will bring to the surface of humanoid robots that will be engaged in construction work. According to plans, construction and equipping of this database must be fully completed by 2020.

The key point in this program are, of course, robots, and who better than the Japanese, who are the most advanced nation in the field of robotics, will develop and produce new kinds of intelligent, self-healing, and multifunctional robots that will be needed to accomplish this task? Probably no one else.


Robots that will be sent first to the moon in 2015, will be large apparatus at 300 pounds, equipped with track system of movement, solar panels and some scientific instruments, among which are seismographs, high-definition camcorder and equipment for the collection and analysis of lunar rocks and soil . In these robots will be installed manipulators, like human hands, by which they will carry out construction work and to collect rock samples for return to Earth. The management of these robots will be primarily carried out by teams sent from Earth, but their own computer control systems will allow these robots to make decisions and perform several tasks independently.

Robots that are sent to the moon in the first place, will fulfill the role of "inspectors" who will find suitable from all points of view, the place for a future base, which is expected to be built near the South Pole of the Moon. Upon completion of this phase of the moon will go robot-builders and the necessary construction materials. New lunar base will be supplied with energy by using solar panels, and will become a platform for the deployment of new buildings and facilities, in which, subsequently, will live and work people-scientists.